Several scholars today are starting to see the gospel like a multi-faceted diamond.
They say we've been focusing too much on atonement models which only make up one facet of the gospel. They say salvation is more holistic, integrating multiple facets. I agree there is more than one facet and I'm going to explore some.
The first facet is simple: The Atonement. The model I'll choose on this one will be the New Exodus model because I believe this is what Paul used to interpret Christ's atoning work (1 Co 5:7).
Just as Israel was enslaved in Egypt, even so mankind was enslaved in Sin. Just as a passover sacrifice of a lamb for protection from death combining shed blood and meat consumption was the means of freedom from Egypt, even so Christ's shed blood and our symbolic consumption (John 6:54-55) is a means of freedom from Sin and Death. Just as Israel passed through the sea and the waters closed in on Pharaoh's army, even so we passed through hell and destruction from death into life and the way was closed behind us so that we cannot go back. Just as God met Israel at Sinai in 50 days to establish a covenant with them and make them his chosen people, He (in the form of the Holy Spirit) met us at Pentecost (50 days after the Resurrection) to establish a new covenant and make us His chosen people and bride. It is by faith that we opt into the atonement, not by works since Jesus did that for us.
I would call the first facet "the work of the cross for us", so I'll call the second "the work of the cross in us". God wants to save us not only from the condemnation of sin (permanent effect), but from it's temporary effects on our lives (Gal 5:1). Jesus wants us to not be conformed to His image, but transformed into His image. It's not about looking pretty on the outside for everyone to see, but the inner spiritual formation of the new creation. We are being weened from our old nature and turned into our new man (or new creation) through the new nature given to us by the Holy Spirit. Paul calls this the phronesis, meaning a pattern of living. We are to take up the Christ Phronesis and be transformed. The most basic image of this is the central law of all laws - to love God and love others (Mark 12:30-31, Mat 5:43-44, Lev 19:17-18, James 2:8, etc). The fruit of the spirit is also crucial.
There are other facets also, such as "the example of the cross", which exemplifies forgiveness ("father forgive them", etc), martyrdom, heroism, love (John 15:13, 1 John 3:16), etc.
The important thing to remember is that EVERY facet is important and needs to be examined and analyzed.
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