Although I disagree with Calvin's acronym TULIP on certain points, I'd like to use it as an opportunity to discuss what I believe about the biblical concepts and ideas it explores.
T - Total Depravity - For Calvin, this also meant total inability and original sin. I don't believe in original sin since this idea appears nowhere in the Bible; however, I believe that the curse of death is passed down from Adam to all who opt into it by sinning (Rom 5:12). Calvin believed man is completely unable to choose right, let alone know right from wrong. This is no where in the Bible; in fact, Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and everyone has an idea of what's right from wrong - it's threaded in our nature. The Bible says that there is no sin where there is no knowledge of the law and that a man's conscience is a law unto itself (Rom 2:14-15, Rom 5:13, Rom 3:20) which God uses to judge Gentiles (non-Jews). As far as man being totally sinful before the law, the answers are simple: no man is righteous (Rom 3:10), no man is good (Luke 18:18-19), and anything not done from faith (in God, for Him) is sin (Rom 14:23).
U - Unconditional Election - Calvin believes that God chooses some for heaven and some for hell based upon nothing at all. In fact, he denies any freewill period. God just makes us choose Him.
I believe in conditional election. God predestines those who trust Him to be sanctified and glorified. He predestines those He calls to be justified. If all who are called are justified, how does God choose who to enlighten or call? I believe this is based upon the condition of the heart. I'm not talking about merit. I'm talking about pride and humility. God gave the Pharisees parables so they wouldn't understand the gospel and get saved because of the hardness of their hearts (Mat 13:10-17). All throughout Proverbs it talks about God lifting up the humble and resisting the proud. Here are some illustrations:
-Peter fell down on his knees and said to Jesus, "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord."
Later on, Jesus tells Peter that the Father has granted Him enlightenment (Mat 16:17). Peter writes later on in a letter this great truth from Pro 3:34 - 1 Pet 5:5 - God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
-Luke 18:10-14 - Jesus tells a story about a tax collector and Pharisee. The tax collector beats his breast and cries out for mercy to God, but the Pharisee is proud and thanks God that he's not like the tax collector. Jesus proceeds to say that the tax collector walks away justified, but the Pharisee walks out condemned. He then sums it up with a brilliant statement: every man that exalts himself will be humbled, and he that humbles himself will be exalted.
-Luke 23:39-43 - One of the criminals on the cross beside Jesus confesses to Jesus that he deserves his punishment, says that Jesus has done nothing wrong, and asks Jesus (calling him Lord) to take him into his kingdom (demonstrating enlightenment) and Jesus of course promises him he will be with him in paradise. The criminal was justified for his humility which the Father granted enlightenment for which produced faith.
L - Limited Atonement - Calvin said that Jesus only died for the elect. This, of course, is false according to John 3:16 and especially 1 John 2:2. However, whereas the atonement is total in its potential and intention, it is limited in its effect.
I - Irresistible Grace - Calvin believes that God's grace is irresistible to the person who completely understands it. I would have to agree.
P - Perseverance of the Saints - Calvin believes that anyone who is a true Christian will persevere to the end. Although I don't consider this very dangerous necessarily, I don't believe it personally. I do believe in preservation of the saints however (once saved, always saved).
Also, I believe that there will be some first fruits of salvation in a person's life (love, joy, peace, etc.), but that doesn't mean they will continue to bear fruit.
That's a brief summary of what I believe concerning TULIP. I hope this helps someone understand God a little better.